The UK Patent Box: a potentially different approach to patenting

Title: The‍ UK Patent ‌Box: A⁣ Potentially Different Approach to Patenting Introduction: In today’s⁢ competitive business landscape, ​protecting intellectual property‌ is more important than ever. Patents can provide businesses⁣ with a competitive advantage by​ safeguarding their innovative ideas and creations. However, ‌the ​process ‍of obtaining and maintaining patents can be costly and ​time-consuming. This is […]

D Young & Co’s patent group welcomes new partner hire Bénédicte Moulin

D Young & Co’s Patent Group Welcomes New Partner Hire Bénédicte Moulin D Young & Co, a leading intellectual property ‌firm, has⁢ recently announced ⁢the addition of‍ Bénédicte Moulin as a new partner in ‌their patent group. This strategic hire reflects the firm’s ⁣commitment to expanding its expertise and providing exceptional ​services to clients ‍in […]

T 1952/18 – prior use and inventive step

Title: T 1952/18 – Prior Use and Inventive Step: Exploring ⁢the Intersection in Patent Law Meta Title: T 1952/18 – Prior Use and Inventive Step: Understanding the Implications in Patent Law Meta Description: Learn about the case T 1952/18 and how prior use relates to the inventive step in patent law. ⁣Discover the key factors […]

IPEC considers passing off based on get-up: TALA cups

IPEC Considers Passing Off⁤ Based on Get-Up: TALA​ Cups In the world of intellectual property⁤ law, passing off is a ⁣common issue that arises when ⁣one party misrepresents their goods or services as those of another, leading to ⁣confusion or deception among consumers.​ The Intellectual Property ⁢Enterprise Court (IPEC) recently considered a passing off case […]

Patenting blockchain related technologies

Title: Patenting‌ Blockchain Related Technologies: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction: Blockchain technology has gained⁤ immense popularity in recent years due ⁤to its decentralized and secure ​nature. As ​the technology‌ continues to evolve, more ​and more companies are investing in the development ⁢of blockchain-related technologies. One key aspect of⁢ protecting these innovations is through⁣ patenting. In this […]

UKIPO suspends actions involving international registrations: Do you have a UK address for service?

Title: UKIPO Suspends⁣ Actions Involving International⁢ Registrations: Do You Have a UK Address for⁤ Service? Introduction The United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office‌ (UKIPO)⁢ plays a crucial role ‍in​ protecting intellectual property‍ rights⁤ in​ the UK. Recently, the ‌UKIPO has made changes that affect ‌international registrations, specifically​ requiring a UK address for service. This has important […]

From football stadiums to railway stations…covering the bigger picture with registered designs

Title:⁢ From Football Stadiums to Railway Stations: Covering the Bigger Picture with Registered Designs Introduction: When we think of registered designs, we often ​associate them with products like ⁣consumer goods, electronic devices, ⁤or furniture. However, registered designs can cover a much broader scope, including architecture and infrastructure. From football stadiums to railway stations, the world […]

Unified Patent Court registered representation

Unified Patent Court Registered Representation: A Comprehensive Guide When it comes to protecting intellectual property, having a unified⁢ patent court ⁤registered representation is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. The Unified Patent Court (UPC) is a specialized court that​ will ‌have exclusive jurisdiction over European patents and European patents with unitary effect. In this ⁤article, […]

CNIPA issues further revision of draft examination guidelines – a summary of new major changes

CNIPA Issues Further Revision‌ of Draft Examination Guidelines: A Summary of New Major Changes Recently, the⁣ China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) has issued further revisions to the draft examination guidelines for intellectual property rights. These changes are significant⁤ and⁢ will impact the way patent applications are reviewed and processed. In this article, we ⁣will […]

Allowed text at the EPO: more than just a formality

Title: Allowed Text ⁤at​ the EPO: More Than Just a Formality Introduction: When it comes to filing a patent​ application at the European Patent Office ⁢(EPO), one ⁤key aspect that should not ‍be overlooked is the allowed text. While it may seem like a mere formality, the text included in ​your application⁣ plays a crucial […]