Montenegro to become 39th EPC contracting state⁢ on 01 October 2022

Montenegro‍ is set to ⁢become the 39th contracting party⁣ to the European⁢ Patent Convention (EPC) on October 1,⁤ 2022.⁢ This move will allow Montenegrin inventors and businesses to ⁤access the European patent system,‌ providing them with a broader scope of protection for their innovations.

What does this mean for⁢ Montenegro?

As a contracting state to ⁢the EPC, Montenegro will enjoy several benefits,‌ including:

Implications for Montenegrin inventors and ⁢businesses

Montenegrin inventors and businesses will ‍now be‍ able to apply for a European patent through the European Patent Office (EPO). This will provide them with wider protection for their inventions across multiple European countries, without ⁢the need to file separate patent applications in each country.

Benefits of being a contracting ⁤state

Becoming a contracting state to the EPC can ⁢bring numerous benefits to Montenegro, including:

Increased visibility Access to a ⁣larger market
Montenegrin inventions will be ⁣recognized and protected in more countries, boosting the⁢ visibility of Montenegrin innovations on a global scale. By ‍obtaining a ‍European patent, Montenegrin inventors⁣ and businesses can expand their market‍ reach to all EPC member states.

Practical tips for Montenegrin inventors

For Montenegrin inventors looking ‌to take advantage of the benefits of the EPC, here are some practical tips:


Montenegro’s accession ⁤to the EPC as the 39th contracting state marks a ​significant milestone⁣ for the country’s​ innovation ecosystem. Montenegrin ​inventors and businesses ⁢now have the opportunity to tap into the European patent system, ⁤opening doors to new markets and⁤ collaborations. By embracing this change, Montenegro is poised to strengthen its position on the​ global stage of innovation.

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