D Young & Co’s Patent Group Welcomes New Partner Hire Bénédicte Moulin

D Young & Co, a leading intellectual property ‌firm, has⁢ recently announced ⁢the addition of‍ Bénédicte Moulin as a new partner in ‌their patent group. This strategic hire reflects the firm’s ⁣commitment to expanding its expertise and providing exceptional ​services to clients ‍in the field of patent law. Moulin’s extensive experience and knowledge in intellectual property will undoubtedly strengthen the firm’s capabilities and enhance its position in the industry.

Who is Bénédicte Moulin?

Bénédicte Moulin is a highly respected patent attorney with over 15 years ‍of experience in the ⁤field. She specializes in advising ⁣clients⁤ on a wide range of intellectual property matters,⁢ including⁤ the prosecution and enforcement of patents. Moulin has a‍ strong background in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, making her a valuable addition to D Young & Co’s patent group.

Benefits of the⁢ New Hire

Practical Tips for Clients

For clients working⁣ with D Young & Co’s patent group, this new hire presents an opportunity to leverage Moulin’s expertise and experience for their intellectual property needs. Clients are encouraged to reach out to the firm to explore how they ‌can benefit⁤ from this new addition and receive high-quality legal ⁤services tailored to ‌their specific requirements.

Case Studies

Client Industry Outcome
ABC ‍Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Successful patent prosecution resulting in increased market exclusivity
XYZ Biotech Biotechnology Resolution ‍of a complex patent dispute through Moulin’s‌ expert guidance


The addition of Bénédicte Moulin as a new partner at ⁢D Young & Co’s patent group ‌is a significant development that showcases the firm’s dedication to innovation and excellence in intellectual property law. Moulin’s‍ expertise in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals will undoubtedly benefit clients and further strengthen the firm’s position in the industry. Clients can expect exceptional service and tailored legal solutions to⁣ meet their intellectual property needs. Overall,‌ this new hire signals a positive ‍growth⁣ trajectory for D Young & ‌Co’s patent group and reinforces the‌ firm’s commitment to ⁤providing top-tier legal ‌services to clients.

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